Empower your ADVOCATES.
Raise your IMPACT.
Influence OUTCOMES.
The most passionate, credible, and connected people inspire action.
Brands Rising helps companies build and implement successful brand advocacy programs that drive results.
Brands Rising helps companies build and implement successful brand advocacy programs that drive results.
People Trust People
People trust people. Your customers want to engage with your knowledgeable employees, not a corporate channel. We can help you build engagement strategies for creating trusted relationships in social media.
Trusted Leaders Inspire Advocacy
Networks of expertise form around insightful leaders. This leads to advocacy for your brand – but only if your leaders are the ones in the mix. We specialize in inspiring engagement in social media that aligns with your business priorities.
Advocacy Drives ROI
Online advocacy improves customer experience, influences decisions, drives business results, and decreases the costs of marketing, selling and customer service.
The Most Powerful Brand on Earth
Looking to learn about brand advocacy?
The Most Powerful Brand on Earth is THE definitive book on the subject.
You’ll find frameworks, guidelines and case studies you can use to ensure your strategy transforms teams, enables employees, integrates partners and mobilizes customers for brand advocacy in social media. And because the book is co-authored by Brands Rising founder Susan Emerick, when you work with Brands Rising you get the depth of knowledge and experience that’s behind the content – not to mention all the stories that couldn’t fit into the book!
We’ve advised clients around the world on how to build brand advocacy by activating employees, partners and even customers to tell their story.

BRAND Advocacy Resources
Building a Business Case for Employee Advocacy
To establish an employee social engagement program, you’ll need to build a business case that explains the value the program will create as well as the business outcomes that the program will deliver. Your business case will also need to describe how program...
read moreWho influences online conversations your brand cares about?
Once you establish consensus about your agenda for embarking on a social employee program, you then need to get the lay of the land — to understand who influences the online conversations that your brand cares about. First, identify sector-specific or topic-specific...
read moreWhat does data security have to do with equipping employees to engage effectively in social media?
So you've invested in educating and training your employees on the do's and don'ts of engaging in social media and social networking for business. You've explained the company policies, even reviewed the company's social governance model, disclosure, ethics and how to...
read moreShow me, Guide me, Let me: An approach to embedding Social Media Skills Into Your Organization
Social media requires your people to engage in real-time conversations, online, and often in public view. But most of your people are not professional communicators. So they will need new skills, and you will need to help them develop those skills while taking into...
read moreHow does Influencer Marketing fit into Visual Storytelling?
Harnessing the power of visual influencers to tell a story Join me for a discussion with Shlomi Ron, founder of Visual Storytelling Institute, about my entry into influencer marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=102&v=h8Qadv0EO9s I'm really...
read moreWill AI take over marketing?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is integral to data-driven strategies, marketers with these skills will set themselves apart. While you may not be a data scientist you are likely working alongside them to mine, analyze and apply insights discerned from social media...
read moreGet In Touch
Whether you’re just getting started, well on your way, or not sure where to begin — We can help. We’d love to connect.